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Final Project

Matti Niinimäki

Your Final Project page should have the following:

Featured Image #

  • One featured image (.jpg) that should be named featured.jpg
  • Resolution: maximum 1920 pixels for the longer side
  • Filesize: maximum 2MB
  • This will become the thumbnail for your project, you can also include it as a normal image in your page using the text editor.



  • Resolution: 1920x1080 (No vertical videos please)
  • Send the video to Matti and he will upload it to our Vimeo channel

You can include the video with the following command:

{{<vimeo id>}}

Where id is the video id in the URL of the vimeo page for your video.

Project Description

Write a short project description about your project.

Process Description

Additionally, you can write a process description that goes more into the details of how and why you created the project.